
7 Things ALL Professional Interior Designers Know and Do – And You Can Too!

Let me guess, you’re frustrated with the way your home looks, feels, and functions? Do you feel completely overwhelmed with all of your choices and don’t even know where to start?

You think, “It shouldn’t be so hard to make these design decisions!”

Let me assure you, you’re not alone! And it really IS that hard! In this fast-paced world of limited time and instant access to EVERYTHING, it is becoming harder and harder to make any kind of decisions. Especially ones that require a bigger commitment of time and money, like REVamping your home!


You may not want to hire a professional designer, but do you ever find yourself wishing that you knew WHAT they knew, or HOW they’d go about making those decisions?

Well speaking as a professional interior designer, I can tell you exactly how we do it! And the good news is – you can do it too!

So let’s dive right in to the 7 Things ALL Professional Interior Designers Know and Do… 

#1: We know the difference between Interior Design and Decorating.

Interior Design is a PROCESS and Decorating is the LAST part of that process!

It encompasses ALL of the decisions that need to be made BEFORE you can get to the DECORATING. 

Interior Design is a professional, 6-Phase, God-inspired process. It’s the FOUNDATION for all successful design projects, no matter how big or small!

So even if you’re just wanting to “re-decorate,” refresh, or spruce things up – you still need the design PROCESS.

#2: We DESIGN first – SHOP last!

Just like decorating, shopping is definitely part of the design PROCESS, but it comes much later.

When you start with shopping (even if it’s just to find inspiration and get motivated) without having a well thought-out plan, you’re pretty much guaranteeing the overwhelm and overload!

So please, I beg you – NEVER go shopping first!

Now that you know about the PROCESS and that shopping and decorating are always LAST in that process, let’s talk about what comes FIRST…

#3: We start with a concept.

The very FIRST thing you need is a CONCEPT!

A design CONCEPT is NOT a theme. A theme is external, describing an event. Like a prom or party theme.

Your CONCEPT is internal. It’s personal. It’s describing – YOU!

When it comes to designing your home, your CONCEPT is your STYLE!

Your own unique, personal STYLE consisting of 3 words. These 3 words are your number one tool to help you make DESIGN decisions!

*If you want help finding your 3-word STYLE, then you’re in luck! I’ve created a FUN, FREE way to do just that using Pinterest. Click HERE to get Part 1 of 3 instructions sent straight to your email and start putting those pins to work!


 #4: We start with a to-scale Floor Plan.

The second, but just as important tool that you need to have is a FLOOR PLAN of your room.

First you need to grab your tape measure and write down the MEASUREMENTS of your room.

Then you’ll use those measurements to draw your room “to-scale,” meaning all the parts of your room are drawn at the right size in relation to each other. It’s pretty easy to do yourself using graph paper and/or an architectural scale ruler, or you can hire someone if you don’t have time. (Note: if you’re only designing something on a wall, like a gallery wall, or window treatments, you might not need a floor plan, but you WILL need a to-scale Wall Elevation drawing).

Once you have your STYLE and your FLOOR PLAN, you’ve completed the hardest parts of the process! So what comes next?… 

#5: We always work it out on paper first.

If you want to save yourself time, money, and frustration, work it out on paper first!

Things you need to have on paper:

  • Your 3-word STYLE written down
  • Your to-scale FLOOR PLAN (and any other necessary drawings)
  • Lists for EVERYTHING!

#6: We know the BUDGET and how to stick to it.

Your BUDGET, like your STYLE and FLOOR PLAN, is another essential tool when it comes to making DESIGN decisions.

When you know how much you have to spend, and know how much something costs, then you can easily start to narrow down your choices.

Although it may seem counter-intuitive, having a BUDGET actually increases your creativity! If something you want is going to bust your budget, then you need to come up with an alternative solution.

A budget practically forces you to get CREATIVE!

#7: We know how to use the most important Design Principle – BALANCE!

Don’t get me wrong, we understand ALL of the Elements and Principles of Design! They’re super important and necessary, but…

If I had to pick just one Design Principle to master, it would hands-down be BALANCE.

If you’ve followed all of the Phases and Steps in the design PROCESS, but you’re still struggling to pull your room together and make it all work, I can pretty much guarantee that you have a problem with BALANCE!

Now that you know these 7 things…

I hope you’re starting to see that they are your BEST BET to avoid overwhelm, enjoy the process, and successfully finish your room; all without breaking the bank or wasting your time!

However, I totally understand if at this point these 7 Things are adding to your design anxiety and feelings of OVERWHELM!

You might be asking yourself:

  • WHAT exactly is this mysterious 6-phase process? And WHY is it SO important?
  • HOW do I find my 3-word Style, or draw a to-scale Floor Plan?
  • HOW can I make a budget and stick to it when I don’t even know how much stuff costs?
  • WHY would balance be more important than the other Principles of Design? HOW do I even know if my room is balanced?

The good news is that these “7 Things” actually lead to the 7 must-have tools that will help you solve all of your design dilemmas in…

RyR’s Interior Design Toolkit:

REV Any Room in Your Home Using These 7 Must-Have Tools!

So if you want to start making design decisions like PRO and get answers to your WHAT’s, WHY’s, and HOW’s – CLICK HERE to download for FREE. Can’t wait to see ya there!

Until then…Stay REVved!


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#10 – Do NOT Follow Every Rule, Tip, & Trick

Essential Interior Design Tip #10:

Don’t follow every rule, tip, or trick you’ve ever heard! In design – there are no rules!

(To read a previous post on this subject: The #1 Rule of Interior Design click here.)

  • When you try to apply and adhere to every rule, tip, or trick you’ve ever seen or heard you are setting yourself up for failure.

It’s the quickest way to get frustrated, waste your money and guarantee that you DON’T have any fun in the process! By no means should you ever feel like you’ve messed up because you broke some expert’s rule!

I take issue with designers who spout their personal preferences as fact. Tossing around words like “always” and “never” – implying that they are rules. Sacred rules to be followed and “never” broken.

For example (and these are all tips I’ve actually read or heard):

  • Buy drapery panels that will either kiss the floor or puddle on it – the bottom of the panels should never be above the floor.

(Never?! What if you could save some significant money by going with a little shorter panel? Or what if you have a pet that will destroy a panel that’s too close to the floor? I bet you’re creative enough to figure out how to “make it work” – as Tim Gunn would say!)

  • Never push furniture against the walls.

(Uh never?…so absolutley NO furniture against the walls at all?…that’s just weird!)

  • Never match your walls to a color in your fabric. Use a grayed out version so not too strong.

(What if you want your walls to make a strong statement?)

  • Always use white linens and towels. Never cross the line.

(Oooo…that one has an “always” and a “never”. The decorating police will be coming for you soon!)

  • When it comes to bookcases – stick to books.

(That’s an implied “always”…but really?…There’s only a gazillion cool pins on Pinterest that suggest otherwise.)

Now I understand where all these tips come from.

They’re not BAD tips. There’s some truth to all of them. (Especially the one about drapes kissing or puddling the floor.)

But when they use the words “always” and “never” they turn them into rules. And you know by now that in design – there are no rules.

So, should you ignore all rules, tips, tricks, or whatever else they call them?

Absolutely not.

Just don’t get hung up on them. Don’t let them get you off-track or frustrate you. Use the ones that you deem useful and forget the rest.

And be sure to check out the rest of the “Essential Design Tips Series” so you can determine what’s really important!

If you would like to get more great design advice, inspiration, and ideas sent directly to your inbox, please sign up with your email in the upper right corner.

Next we’re taking on:

Essential Interior Design Tip #9: DESIGN first! SHOP last!

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#9 – DESIGN First! SHOP Last!

Essential Interior Design Tip #9

Do NOT start with shopping–that’s completely backwards! DESIGN first. SHOP last.

Now I understand why it’s so tempting to start with shopping.

Shopping is the fun part!

At least it should be. But what I’ve found is that when you go shopping for your home, aimlessly without a plan, you pretty much suck the fun right out of it.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people decide they need some big-ticket item, like a sofa, and without any real thought they just go out and buy a sofa. They pick something that they really like in the store, but once they get it home it’s just all kinds of wrong!

  • It’s way too big (or small) for the space.

(Sure the space may have been measured first to ensure fit, but no further thought was given. Like how will traffic flow? Or will it overwhelm/underwhelm the room?)

  • The colors really don’t go with anything else. Even when it’s “neutral”.

(But neutral means it goes with everything right? -WRONG! Is it a warm neutral or cool? Does it have a green, pink, yellow, undertone causing it to clash? And didn’t the color look completely different in the store – yes, because the lighting is different.)

  • The sofa is actually awesome, but now it makes everything else look blah!

(This results in MORE aimless shopping. And aimless shopping results in MORE wasted time and money.)

I know…you need a sofa (bed, refrigerator, whatever) – NOW. But you don’t have the time or money to re-do your whole room – now.

So can’t you just go shopping for that one item now and worry about the rest later?

I wouldn’t advise it!

The problem is that one item becomes the focus of your room. That’s probably not what you intended. So now you’re stuck. Now every decision will be dictated by that one item – that sofa you’re liking less and less by the minute. Talk about a situation that’s NOT fun!

So the moral of the story is, you MUST design first.

(Yes I know this is getting dangerously close to sounding like a rule. And you know how I feel about rules).

Even if you can’t afford to do your whole room right now,

You CAN afford to design it.

Part of the design process is prioritizing. Even if you have to complete your room in phases over time, starting with a very clear picture of the final outcome will make your shopping (and your finished room) that much more enjoyable.

I know this is all easier said than done. But trust me when I say going through the design process, one step at a time, in the right order, is actually the EASY way! Working the process backwards, by shopping first will most certainly bust your budget, timeframe, and mental state-of-mind!

And be sure to check out our next big tip…

Essential Interior Tip #8: Design Your HOME One Room at a Time


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#8 – Design Your HOME One Room At A Time

Essential Interior Design Tip #8:

Design your HOME one room at a time.

Don’t you just want your home to be nice? And by nice, I mean a home that feels complete. At peace. A home that brings beauty to your life. A home full of rooms that make you sigh, “Ah” every time you enter.

Does your home already do this for you? If not, you’re probably always dreaming of how to make your rooms better. And if you’re like me, you probably find it hard to stop dreaming and start doing. It’s always a “someday” proposition.

There’s always an excuse.

There’s that problem with money. There’s never enough.

And there’s that problem with time. There’s never enough of that either.

But isn’t the truth that you’re really just overwhelmed by the whole thing. You think you will never have enough time or money to transform your entire home so why even bother. Or maybe you don’t even know where to start. Might I make a suggestion?…

Focus. Start with one room.

I don’t care which room. Any room. Pick a room and start.

This way the process isn’t so overwhelming. And guess what you’ll have when you finish that one room. A sense of relief. A sense of accomplishment. The energy and motivation to propel you to the next room.

You’ll have MOMENTUM baby! Before you know it your whole house will be done. Complete. Nice. Ah.

Of course I know I’m oversimplifying. I skipped right over the whole design portion of the project. But the beauty of the design process is that it scales to any size project. So start small with one room and go through “REV’s Design Process: 3 Stages | 6 Phases.”

No Exceptions

You might be thinking that building a new home or remodeling is an exception. After all, they’re multi-room projects requiring contract labor. And in order to save time and money you’d need to have the work completed in all the rooms at once.

But remember we’re not talking about labor. We’re talking about design. The rooms all need to be designed on paper before any actual labor begins. This also has the added benefit of accurate pricing – no more ballpark estimates! So the point remains…Go through the design process one room at a time.

Advantage to Focusing on One Room.

At first it may seem like a long road to haul. But there are advantages to focusing on just one room. Besides saving time, money, and headaches, all of the stuff in your other uncompleted rooms is suddenly up for grabs. You’d be amazed at what you can find in your own home when you let go of the notion that such-and-such belongs in a room just because it’s always been there.

Which brings us to our next tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #7: Shop Yourself First.

Be sure to check it out!

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#7 – Shop Yourself First

Essential Interior Design Tip #7:

Shop yourself first. 

Admit it…when you first start thinking about re-designing your room you start dreaming about all the new things you could buy. I know. I do it too. But this is actually the opposite of where we should start.

Remember design is a process.

And like decorating, shopping is one of the last steps in that process. Of course you will eventually get to it. But before you embark on that quest you need to shop yourself first. (For more about “decorating” being a last step in the process click here)

Besides the obvious that this will save you time and money, there’s another really big reason you should do this…

It’s the best way to add character, charm, and a sense of YOU to your room.

So HOW do you shop yourself first?

Once you’ve identified the items you need, take that list and literally shop the rest of your home. Go room by room and find things that you can reuse and re-purpose. REView whether they fit in your design plan and then cross them off your shopping list.

No room is off limits.

Unless it’s already completed to your satisfaction (and maybe even then still) you have permission to look at all of your possessions with fresh eyes (yes Andy Grammer is playing in my head now too!)

Just because that cute chair has always been in your bedroom, doesn’t mean it can’t find a new home in a different room. Sure it will leave a void in your bedroom, but you can address that when it’s your bedroom’s turn.

Or maybe you consider using that chair, but decide you just love it in your bedroom. That’s fine. At least you’ve thought about it and you’re that much closer to a complete, nice, bedroom already knowing that it will partially REVolve around that chair.

Another benefit to shopping yourself first…

It’s FUN!!! You get your creative juices flowing. And you never know what you might uncover in that long-forgotten closet. There could be something in there that pairs perfectly with something from your dining room.

When you incorporate these newly found gems within your room, nothing could be more satisfying or life-infusing. That’s just good design!

Now admittedly when you get down to your last few rooms you won’t have as much to choose from. But this is a good thing! You’re starting with a clean-ish slate. Plus it gives you a good excuse to buy new things with all the money you’ve saved from designing your other rooms so responsibly!

And speaking of good, responsible design…that brings us to our next tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #6: Design Does NOT Have to be Expensive.


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#6 – Good Design Does NOT Have to be Expensive

Essential Interior Design Tip #6:

Design does NOT have to be expensive to be “good”– Set a budget and stick to it.

It would be nice if money were no object.

But it always is. Even when it’s not. Even if you just won the lottery. Even if you just inherited a gazillion dollars from a long-lost aunt. Even then, it’s still an object. And while BIG budgets are great, they are NOT the key to a successful project.

Let’s just all admit setting a budget is hard!

The money part always is. It’s hard because it’s scary. The word budget strikes fear into our hearts.

  • Fear of losing control.
  • Fear of making a mistake.
  • Fear of spending too much.
  • Or not enough.
  • And worst of all…Fear of being judged.

Big budget = pretentious-greedy-showy.

Small budget = stingy-miser or poor.

With reasons like these it’s no wonder you’re reluctant to even think about a budget. But c’mon, you have an amount somewhere in your head. Realistic or not, it’s in there. Large or small you have one. So embrace it! Overcome your fears and commit.

Regardless of size, you need a budget. Here’s why…

A budget gives you boundaries.

Boundaries create restraint.

Restraint is key to creativity.

People always say, “Think outside the box.”

But how can you do that if there is NO box (no budget)? The box is the restraint. Without it there’s no way to think outside of it. There’s no chance for creativity!

Budget Barriers {excuses}: 

  • You don’t know how much stuff costs.

(It really doesn’t matter how much stuff costs. You can’t spend what you don’t have. So figure out how much you have.)

  • You think budget means cheap.

(Budget means responsible, realistic restraint. It serves as a decision-making guide.)

  • You’re afraid you’ll be unhappy because you can’t afford everything you want.

(You’ll be a lot happier without debt and buyer’s remorse.) 

  • You don’t want to limit your choices.

(As we’ve already discussed, that’s exactly what you need to do to get creative!)

  • You don’t want to show all your cards.

(You fear losing the upper hand in a negotiation. What you’re really doing is closing the door on communication and setting yourself up for disappointment.)

Guidelines for setting a realistic budget: 

  • Don’t set a high-low range. You will hit the high every time. This isn’t my first rodeo so I say this already knowing that your wants will most likely exceed your means.
  • Set your budget as high as possible without going into debt. It’s really hard to enjoy your new space knowing that you’ll be paying for it for. ev. er. But if you do use debt (I’m not here to judge, just to advise) then at least have a plan to pay it off asap!
  • Set your budget with the intent of spending every last dime. This way you avoid negotiating with yourself as to whether or not you can raise your budget. You already know you can’t. If you want to buy an item that is higher than what you budgeted – fine – just go back and REVise your budget by lowering the amount you can spend on something else.

In the end what’s really important is not how high or low your budget is. It’s that you have one!

Good design is not dependent on how much money you spend. It’s dependent on the design process itself.

So with that in mind, let’s move on to our next tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #5: It’s Not About the Stuff. It’s What You DO With the Stuff!


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#5 – It’s NOT About the Stuff. It’s what you DO with the Stuff.

Essential Interior Design Tip #5:

Interior Design is not all about the stuff. It’s what you DO with that stuff.

(Notice I added the word all. Because while it’s not all about the stuff, it is partially about the stuff. Let’s face it, you’ve got to have some stuff to design with!)

This has pretty much been my philosophy ever since I figured out that you can make almost any ordinary object sing if you put it in the right place. Any object can become something special when adding to the balance of a room.

Conversely, the most beautiful and beloved object you own can fall flat when not used properly either as a focal point or a contributor to the overall balance.

What Should You Do With the Stuff? 

In a previous post we talked about how in design there are no rules. But the closest things to rules are Principles and Elements of design. We explored the Principles in some depth, but we really didn’t get into the Elements.

So without going off on a tangent the Elements of design are: Pattern, color, texture, shape, line, and space.

Elements = the stuff!

The stuff provides your patterns, colors, textures, shapes, lines, and resulting space.

Principles = what you do with the stuff!

When the Principles are properly applied to your Elements (stuff) you create a Focal Point and Hierarchy. You create a concept or theme through Unity. You create interest through Variety and Contrast. You create Rhythm. You create proper Scale and Proportion. And MOST importantly you create Balance throughout your space.

  • When you use these Principles in a balanced and functional way to determine where to place your stuff, your room will be a design success.

Notice I added the word functional.  We haven’t really discussed this much. But in order for a room to be successful, it must be functional.

  • Functionality is the unspoken Principle of Design.

It’s such a given that it does not even warrant being listed as a Principle. So remember when creating your space that it must be usably functional as well as visually appealing.

And now for the good news…

Knowing that the success of your design does not hinge on the stuff is comforting as well as freeing. Knowing that success is more about what you do with that stuff should empower you and give you confidence to make your design decisions, especially if you are on a limited budget or feel that you are lacking in the “style” department.

Of course you could be someone who’s just oozing with style. Maybe people are always commenting on your excellent taste. If that’s the case – great! But I’m sure you’ve already figured out that good design is about much more than that.

Which leads us to our next tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #4 – Don’t Rely On Your Awesome Sense of Style and Keen Eye for Color. 



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Remodel: Why You Absolutely Must Call a Designer FIRST!…BID Drawings!

So you want to start a remodeling project. Probably your kitchen or bathroom. But you don’t know where to start. Your first inclination is probably to call some remodeling contractors.

Please don’t do that! Call a Professional DESIGNER first.

Here’s why…

If you don’t already know the contractor you want to hire, you’re going to want to contact more than one to compare, right? And you also might not have any idea what your remodeling project will cost. So it makes sense to call contractors to give you “estimates” right?…WRONG!

Here’s what happens — you end up getting “free estimates” from 3 or 4 different contactors and you treat those estimates like they’re the actual project cost. Then you end up picking your contractor based on those “estimates.”

The problem with that is, those “free estimates” are NOT at all comparable! If you have not clearly defined your design intentions ahead of time, then those contractors are all giving you “quotes” based on their own interpretation of what they THINK you want. They are making a LOT of assumptions and Contractor A’s assumptions are going to be completely different than Contractor B’s, which will greatly impact the estimate.

The only way to ensure that you are comparing “apples to apples” is to have an actual Design Plan (or “BID” drawings) that you can give to each contractor and ask them to provide you a FIRM price based on those drawings and specifications. THEN you’ll have a clear picture to make an accurate comparison.

But what if all of the FIRM bids are way too high?

It doesn’t really matter. The purpose of BID drawings is to make sure everyone is “bidding” the exact same thing. You want to know that everyone bid the same Grade materials (even if you haven’t made your final finish material selections yet). Once you use the bids to determine who you want to hire, you can sit down with them and discuss ideas on how to modify the plans to lower the cost and stay as close to the original concept as possible. You could even ask each contractor before you make your final decision, what they would recommend to lower the cost to bring it more in alignment with your budget. Their individual ideas could be what sways your final decision.

But if I call a Professional Designer first, it won’t be “FREE.”

No probably not. But it will most likely save you money in the end. And it will FOR SURE save you a lot of headache and heartbreak! I say that because having a design plan from the beginning saves you from inevitable surprises. For instance, you told the contractors that you wanted new cabinets and granite countertops. And that’s what they all “estimated.” But Contractor A generally uses a much lower grade granite and the most simple cabinet style made out of the most economic wood. Contractor B likes to use higher grade materials for projects.

What you had in mind might be more like what Contractor B bid, but you chose Contractor A because their bid was much lower. So the project is under way and you are shocked when you actually make your granite and cabinet selections and the contractor tells you it’s going to be an additional cost because that’s not what they bid. And that’s just one example.

When you don’t know exactly what everyone bid, I promise there will be MANY surprises along the way that will cost you more money, time, and definitely your sanity! It’s totally worth it to pay a designer up front for a set of BID drawings. The set should be yours to keep and bid out to anyone you want. You could even ask the bidders if they would be willing to reimburse that design fee off the total contract price if they are selected for your project. Their answer just might be the thing that swings your project in their favor.

Yes, some contractors are designers, or have designers that work for them.

It’s perfectly fine to use a contractor’s design services if offered, but make sure you understand the terms ahead of time. And it’s only fair that they understand your intentions as well. Most won’t provide “free” design services in a bid situation. They would probably have you sign some kind of contract before exerting any design energy and/or require a “design fee” as down payment. If you do pay something up front, make sure that any designs and drawings produced become your property and that you are free to use them for bid purposes.

Communication is KEY!

As with everything, a smooth remodel, that’s on-time and on-budget, will depend on clear and consistent communication from the beginning. That’s exactly what a good Design Plan provides. Make sure to start your project off on the right foot…hire a designer first!

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#4 – Don’t Rely on Your Sense of Style and Eye for Color

Essential Interior Design Tip #4:

Don’t rely on your awesome sense of style and keen eye for color. Rely on the Principles and Elements of Design!

(Although I have no doubt that you do indeed possess wicked style and a killer eye for color, don’t think for a minute that’s all you need!)

The Principles and Elements of design are timeless and true. Never trendy. Never subject to change like your taste and preferences. If you’re not familiar with the Principles I wrote about them here and here. And I briefly talked about the Elements here.

Once you understand these Principles & Elements, combine them with your sense of style and eye for color and you’re GOLD!…unless of course you prefer silver!

But don’t forget, before you ever even think about going shopping you need to have a plan in place for how you’re going to apply these P’s & E’s. We will be discussing this more in our last 3 Tips.

But what if I don’t have an awesome sense of style, or any style for that matter?

Impossible! Everyone has their own unique style. Now whether or not it would be considered “awesome” just depends on who you talk to. Besides – who cares?! It’s your home. Your room. Your style. As long as you’re happy with it, that’s all that matters!

And if you’re wondering how to go about finding and defining your style…you’ve come to the right place! That’s the first step in REV’s whole design process! Want to know more about REVealing your own unique style?…then click here.

So stay tuned because this blog is just getting started! Up next…

Essential Interior Design Tip: Dream and Dream BIG!

Oh wait!…I thought of another tip that kind of goes along with #4…

BONUS TIP: Don’t Trust Your Memory or Instincts.  

  • Always be prepared.  Have your plans, samples, and tape measure with you at all times. You may think an item will match or fit, but guaranteed when you get it home it won’t! You’ve heard the saying “Measure twice. Cut once.” This is the design version!

It’s just an additional thought I had after starting this series and I didn’t want to make it “11 Essential Tips!”


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#2 – Stop DREAMING. Start DOING!

I’ll admit, I can get really stuck in dreamland. It can be quite addictive. But eventually, if you ever want to get anything done, you have to stop. Which brings us to our next to last tip…

Essential Interior Design Tip #2:


Got it?…maybe not. That’s because you can’t skip straight to doing. You’d be skipping right over the most important part. In order to “do” you have to know what to do. Dreaming alone doesn’t get you there!

Dreaming is too fuzzy. It doesn’t produce anything real. As discussed in our last post, it’s conceptual. We utilize dreaming to come up with our concept, which for our homes is equivalent to our style. Our style is our FOUNDATION. Our jumping off point.

So how do you get from DREAM to DO?

The Design Process of course! Remember that? I talk about it A LOT (here and here)! About how design IS a process. It’s what differentiates design from decorating (talked about here and here).

In short, this is how I define the process:

Design = DREAM + DECIDE + DO

DECIDING is that crucial phase between DREAMING and DOING. It’s what propels you to DO!

DECIDE = the absolute “heart” of the design process. Skip this and your room will flat line!

Once you’ve defined your concept, REVealed Your Style, it’s time to move on.

You’re done dreaming!

It’s time to take that inspiration and turn it into something useful. Time to DECIDE how to turn those DREAMS into reality.

“Exactly what should you DECIDE?”

  • Which room?
  • How much to spend?
  • Your timeline?
  • What activities need to happen in the space?
  • How many people should be accommodated?
  • How should the room feel? Evoke emotion? Express your style?
  • What are your space limitations?
  • What can you reuse? (Tip #7 : Shop Yourself First)
  • What should you buy new?
  • What are your storage needs? Electrical? Plumbing?…
  • Do you need a contractor? If so, how will you obtain bids?

I could go on, but you get it! This is where MOST of your decisions are made. I say “most” because as you start DOING there will be unforeseen occurrences and you will again have to make some decisions.

But the idea is the more decisions you make beforehand, the more smoothly your project will go. The happier you will be with the whole process!


Do NOT short-change the DECIDE Phase. This is where majority of your time should be spent. This is where the MAGIC happens!

I repeat:

DECIDE – It’s the HEART of any design project!

It’s time to stop DREAMING and start DECIDING. Only then can you get to the DOING of creating and enjoying that DREAM room!

And finally we’re on to the Numero Uno Tip. The one you’ve been so eagerly awaiting…

Essential Interior Design Tip #1: (You’ll just have to view it next to find out)