#9 – DESIGN First! SHOP Last!

Essential Interior Design Tip #9

Do NOT start with shopping–that’s completely backwards! DESIGN first. SHOP last.

Now I understand why it’s so tempting to start with shopping.

Shopping is the fun part!

At least it should be. But what I’ve found is that when you go shopping for your home, aimlessly without a plan, you pretty much suck the fun right out of it.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people decide they need some big-ticket item, like a sofa, and without any real thought they just go out and buy a sofa. They pick something that they really like in the store, but once they get it home it’s just all kinds of wrong!

  • It’s way too big (or small) for the space.

(Sure the space may have been measured first to ensure fit, but no further thought was given. Like how will traffic flow? Or will it overwhelm/underwhelm the room?)

  • The colors really don’t go with anything else. Even when it’s “neutral”.

(But neutral means it goes with everything right? -WRONG! Is it a warm neutral or cool? Does it have a green, pink, yellow, undertone causing it to clash? And didn’t the color look completely different in the store – yes, because the lighting is different.)

  • The sofa is actually awesome, but now it makes everything else look blah!

(This results in MORE aimless shopping. And aimless shopping results in MORE wasted time and money.)

I know…you need a sofa (bed, refrigerator, whatever) – NOW. But you don’t have the time or money to re-do your whole room – now.

So can’t you just go shopping for that one item now and worry about the rest later?

I wouldn’t advise it!

The problem is that one item becomes the focus of your room. That’s probably not what you intended. So now you’re stuck. Now every decision will be dictated by that one item – that sofa you’re liking less and less by the minute. Talk about a situation that’s NOT fun!

So the moral of the story is, you MUST design first.

(Yes I know this is getting dangerously close to sounding like a rule. And you know how I feel about rules).

Even if you can’t afford to do your whole room right now,

You CAN afford to design it.

Part of the design process is prioritizing. Even if you have to complete your room in phases over time, starting with a very clear picture of the final outcome will make your shopping (and your finished room) that much more enjoyable.

I know this is all easier said than done. But trust me when I say going through the design process, one step at a time, in the right order, is actually the EASY way! Working the process backwards, by shopping first will most certainly bust your budget, timeframe, and mental state-of-mind!

And be sure to check out our next big tip…

Essential Interior Tip #8: Design Your HOME One Room at a Time